SMART Recovery is a non-profit organization offering support groups and related services for individuals desiring to abstain from any type of addictive behavior (activity or substance). “SMART” stands for Self-Management And Recovery Training. The SMART approach to recovery is based on scientifically supported concepts and techniques. Its broadly cognitive-behavioral, because cognitive-behavioral interventions at present account for the majority of empirically supported addiction interventions (Hester & Miller, 1995). This perspective places SMART in contrast to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other 12-step groups, which describe their recovery programs as having a spiritual foundation (Alcoholics Anonymous, 1976).SMART meetings are typically led by a non-professional volunteer (the meeting coordinator). In some instances behavioral health professionals volunteer as coordinators. SMART Recovery focuses on self-empowerment and adopts key principles (e.g., self-efficacy) and therapeutic approaches (e.g., motivational interviewing and cognitive– behavioral therapy) shown to be effective in promoting recovery from addiction.